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The OLFACTION & PERSPECTIVES congress will be held for this 4th edition on March 14, 2019 in Paris.

Smell is the sense we use the most, even without always being fully aware of it. While it reigns supreme in the art of perfumery, it also plays an essential role in the food or medicaldical field and, more generally, in many human activities and in all types of spaces, whether private or public.

As a mediator of emotions and a source of well-being, olfaction - the sense of smell in action - has a daily impact on our behavior and profoundly influences our preferences.

In today's perfume and food industries, innovative raw materials, natural products and new eco-friendly processes all have an impact on olfactory quality. This naturally leads us to question the "real" technological innovations in the production of fragrance compounds.

Fragrance products (perfumes, foodstuffs, ambiance products, etc.) have to meet the diverse expectations of consumers, expectations that depend on the culture and evolution of society, which is increasingly looking for well-being. This evolution implies a rediscovery of the power of olfaction, not least in the field of health.

The rediscovery of the value of olfaction and its major impact on our daily lives has prompted us to turn our attention to the education of the sense of smell.The rediscovery of the value of olfaction and its major impact on our daily lives has prompted us to turn our attention to the education of the sense of smell from theearliest years of life, and more generally to the learning process.

To address all these developments, the 2019 edition will focus on olfaction through the following 4 axes:

1. Olfaction & Technological innovations

2. Olfaction: Sociological & cultural aspects

3. Olfaction: Health & Wellness

4. Olfaction: Education & Learning

For more information and to register, please visit: https: //

Thursday 14th March 2019


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Thursday 14th March 2019
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