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Launch of Prix International du Jeune Parfumeur SFP® 2025

01 July 2024 Members' News
Viewed 1803 times

Since 1957, SFP has been encouraging young perfume designers to express their creativity freely.

In 2025, the theme of the Prix international du Jeune Parfumeur SFP® is : "Olfactory and poetic cultural landscapes of lavender in Provence". Lavender is one of the flowers inseparable from the landscapes of Provence, and it needs all our attention and protection. More than a solinote, your composition will sublimate the power of the Lavender note, its aromatic and floral facets and the beauty of its region."

Use your emotions and creativity to illustrate and bring life to this emblematic perfume plant.

The Prize is open to people under 35 years of age (born after January 01, 1990), of any nationality, living in France or abroad, whether or not they are members of the SFP.

Candidates must hand in or postmark their submission to the SFP secretariat no later than January 10, 2025.

The prize will be awarded at SIMPPAR, the Salon International des Matières Premières pour la Parfumerie, to be held in Paris on June 4 and 5, 2025.

The winner retains full ownership of his or her fragrance and formula. He or she may use the title " PRIX INTERNATIONAL DU JEUNE PARFUMEUR SFP® 2025 " in his or her professional life.

Download the competition rules

Best regards,

The SFP® 2025 International Young Perfumer Award Committee

Ever since the year 1957, the SFP has actively encouraged the perfume creators to freely express their creativity.

The theme 2025 of the international prize of the young perfumer SFP is: " Olfactive and poetic cultural landscapes of lavender in Provence".

The lavender flower is inseparable from the Provence landscape, and it needs all our attention and protection. More than a single note, your composition will highlight the power of the lavender scent, its aromatic and floral facets, and the beauty of its region. Give free reign to your emotions and creativity as you illustrate and bring to life this emblematic plant of perfumery.

Each perfume candidate must be submitted by a perfumer under the age of 35 (born next 01 January 1990), of any nationality, living in France or in other countries, Member of SFP or not.

The candidates should submit or send their submissions to the SFP secretary no later than the 10th of January 2025, the postmark serving as official date.

The Prize will be given during the SIMPPAR Exhibition, from 4 to 5 June 2025.

The winner retains ownership of his/her fragrance and formula and may use it professionally with the title: " PRIX INTERNATIONAL DU JEUNE PARFUMEUR SFP® 2025 ".

Download the competition rules


The "Prix International du jeune Parfumeur SFP® 2025" Committee

Credit photo: Distillerie des 4 vallées / Annie Molinet

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